分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【環境學院及原住民民族學院吸菸區合併並移位於東華會館外側空曠處】Smoking Areas in the Buildings of Environmental Studies and Indigenous Studies will be removed.  Please use the open space near Dong Hwa Guest House after 2020/1/13.
日期: Mon, 6 Jan 2020 13:41:10 +0800
附檔: 東華會館新吸菸區.jpg (265 KB)   

說明:為配合教育部菸害防制-減少吸菸區政策,本校已於2019/11/27召開108學年第一學期衛生委員會議,會中決議環境學院及原民學院吸菸區合併並移位至東華會館外側空曠處,以維護該教學區學生及教職員之健康。本案經與環境學院、原民院、東華會館協調取得同意後,將定於2020/01/13移除原環境學院及原民學院舊吸菸區,請吸菸者於是日後至東華會館外側新設吸菸區使用 (地點請參閱附檔圖片說明)。

In accord with the Ministry of Education's policy on smoking prevention and reduction of smoking areas, NDHU Health Committee has discussed and agreed in the 2019/11/27 meeting that the smoking areas in the Buildings of Environmental Studies and Indigenous Studies would be removed to maintain the health of all personnel in the mentioned Buildings. The open space near Dong Hua Guest House will be in use as an alternative. The change will be effective on 2020/01/13. Please refer to the links for current smoking areas.


Please keep clean and lower your voices in any smoking area.
If you find violations of tobacco control, please call the toll-free Tobacco Hazard Complaint Line of Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (0800-531531), or Health Center, NDHU (03-8906254).
Smoking is harmful to health, please respect others' rights of refusing passive smoking exposure.

Your health, OSA’s delight~
Health Center 
Office of Student Affairs  

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