分類: 行政公告, 課程公告
來源: 教務處課務組 - 課務組 - course@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6122~6126
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題: 【課務組】108學年度第1學期期中停修至今日(11/29(五))17時紙本申請表收件截止(Mid-semester course withdrawal),敬請把握時間!
日期: Fri, 29 Nov 2019 13:33:37 +0800


  • 申請時間:課務組收件11/11日(星期一)至11/29日(星期五)17時,逾期恕不予受理
  • 停修科目:每學期以1科為限
  • 學分數下限:扣除停修之學分數後,總修讀學分數不得低於各系所規定之最低學分數
  • 成績登載:停修課程仍登記於該學期成績單及歷年成績表,並將於成績欄註明該科「停修」(W),但不會有分數或影響平均分數
  • 學分費:停修之科目不退學分費(含音樂指導費、鍵盤維護費、實習實驗費、課程材料費),未繳交學分費者仍應依規定補繳
  • 程序及期限:申請表須經❶授課教師❷導師❸學生所屬系所主管/助理及❹開課系所主管/助理簽名或蓋章同意後,於11/29日(星期五)17時前親送教務處課務組(行政大樓502室),逾時不候,有任何困難應及早反映;完成申請者無法撤銷,請於申請期限內充分考慮
  • 停修申請表請至網路選課系統列印:

Dear students:

The application deadline of Mid-semester Course Withdrawal for the first semester of the academic year 2019 is at 17:00 on November 29th.

Please check the following points if you need:

1. Please deliver your application form before 17:00, November 29th.

2. The maximum of course withdrawal is one for each semester.

3. You must maintain the minimum number of credit hours required by your department after withdrawing a course.

4. Your transcript will show the course which you withdrew from, but “W” will be written in place of the grade. It will not be taken into calculation of your grade point average.

5. You still have to pay the credit fees for this class.

6. You must get permission and signatures from the teacher who gives the course that you wish to withdraw, your advisor, and the chairman of your department.

7. Related resources:

→ The website to print-out the application form:Course Selection System】(https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/CLASS/subjselect/Default.aspx)

→ Regulation:Guidelines for Course Withdrawal Application】(http://www.aa.ndhu.edu.tw/files/13-1006-14817-1.php)


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