分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 校園「緊急傷病處理」相關規定與處理原則Regulations and Principles of Campus "Emergency Injury Treatment" 
日期: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 22:41:28 +0800

1. 依據「學校衛生法」、「護理人員法」、「教育部主管各級學校緊急傷病處理準則」及「各級學校健康中心設施基準」規定辦理。 
2. 緊急傷口護理:初次受傷時經校護評估後,能立即處理的傷口,護理人員予與緊急處置;如護理人員經其專業判斷,病人係屬應經醫師診治之情況,應請受傷者前往醫療機構處理。
3. 常規傷口護理:如僅需常規處置的傷患,校護協助傷口護理;如需使用醫師開立處方用藥或指示用藥,傷患需「自行攜帶」醫師開立的處方用藥或指示用藥,請校護協助處理傷口。
4. 衛生保健組開放時間:週一到週五08:00-17:00,中午不休息; 寒暑假期間,午休一小時(12:00-13:00);聯絡專線:03-8906252。
5. 非上班時間發生緊急外傷,一般傷口可自行就醫或向宿舍管理員借用「外傷急救箱」止血包紮傷口,傷勢嚴重或無法移動者應立即連繫校安03-8906995或119緊急送醫處置。

Health Center provides "Emergency Injury Treatment"
1. According to the "School Health Law", "Nursing Personnel Law", "Ministry of Education for Schools of Emergency Injury Treatment at All Levels of Schools" and "Standards for School Health Center Facilities at All Levels".
2. Emergency wound care: If the wound can be treated immediately after the initial injury, the school nurse will give emergency treatment. If the injured person should be treated by a doctor upon the nurse’s professional judgement, he or she should go to a medical institution for treatment.
3. Routine wound care: If the injury only requires routine treatment, the school nurse will assist in wound care. If the patient needs to use a prescription or instruction medication, he or she must bring the medication along for the school nurse to handle.
4. Health Center opening hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00-17:00 (no lunch break); during summer and winter vacations, Monday to Friday, 8:00-17:00 (12:00-13:00 lunch break). Contact number: 03-8906252.
5. In case of any emergency trauma during closing hours, the patient is advised to see a doctor or borrow the "first aid kit" from the dormitory manager to stop bleeding. While in case of a serious injury, it is recommended to immediately contact the school security 03-8906995 119 for emergency medical treatment.
Your health, OSA’s delight~

Health Center 
Office of Student Affairs  

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