分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 許嫦雯 - chr@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6254
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 請勿於宿舍車棚違規吸菸亂丟菸蒂,以免造成環境汙染與危害公共安全!!Smoking or tossing cigarette butts is not allowed around any parking lot to avoid causing environmental pollution and endangering public security!! 
日期: Tue, 24 Sep 2019 14:43:33 +0800

1. 任何停車場應該嚴禁菸火,避免引起公共災害,然近期接獲通報有同學於宿舍車棚違規吸菸且亂丟菸蒂。






1. Open flames are strictly prohibited around any parking lot.  We regret to learn that some students have been reported smoking and tossing cigarette butts around dormitory parking lots.   

2. According to the Tobacco Hazards Prevention Act, no smoking is allowed on campus except the designated smoking areas, and ashtrays should not be provided in nonsmoking areas. Violators will be fined NT2,000〜10,000. If you find any violation, please report to Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare (0800-531531) or Health Center, NDHU (03-8906254).
Please properly dispose of your cigarette butts. Smoking violations will be fined NT2,000〜10,000 by Hualien County Health Bureau. 

3.To report any violation, please provide evidence such as any photo, video, license plate number, department/year, student id number/name. Reporting anonymously to the Hualien County Health Bureau is accepted.

4.For locations of current smoking areas, please visit our website:
Smoking is harmful to health, please respect others' rights of refusing passive smoking exposure. 
Your health, OSA’s delight~

Health Center
Office of Student Affairs  

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