分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 英美語文學系 - 劉珮萱 - peisyaun639@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038905294
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_系所助理_兼任教師
標題: 108/04/15(一)再造世界:創意、書寫與社會正義 Will Buckingham、Hannah Stevens講座
日期: Wed, 3 Apr 2019 09:24:33 +0800
附檔: Remaking the World-poster_final(網頁用).png (2 MB)   

時間: 04/15 (一) 上午10:00-12:00
地點: 人社二第五講堂 (the Fifth Auditorium, Building II of Humanities and Social Science)
講題:Remaking the World: Creativity, Writing and Social Justice

Whether fiction, non-fiction or poetry, writing has the power to remake the world. It can shake us up, change how we see things, transform the way we think and feel, and open up new possibilities for social and political action. In this talk, writers Hannah Stevens and Will Buckingham will discuss their project Wind&Bones, which explores the meeting places between writing, creativity and social justice. They will talk about their work with different communities from the UK to Myanmar, explore some challenging issues around the ethics and politics of writing, and ask about the connections between literature and activism.

講者簡介:Will Buckingham has a PhD in philosophy. He writes fiction, non-fiction and children’s books. His most recent book is the travel memoir "Stealing With the Eyes: Imaginings and Incantations in Indonesia” (Haus publications 2015). Amongst his other books is "Sixty-Four Chance Pieces” (Earnshaw Books, 2015), a collection of stories based on the Yijing. He is currently working on a nonfiction book for Granta called “Hello Stranger”, due to be published in 2020.

Hannah Stevens has a PhD in creative writing from the University of Leicester. Her first collection “Without Makeup and Other Stories” won an Arts Council England new talent competition, and was published in 2012 by Crystal Clear Creators. She has been widely anthologised including in "High Spirits: A Round of Drinking Stories" (Valley Press, 2019) and Unthology 10 (Unthank Books, 2018). Her pamphlet “The Perseids” is to be published by TSS Publishing, and her full-length collection “In Their Absence” by Roman Books, both later in 2019.

Hannah and Will together run Wind&Bones, and are currently based in Yangon. http://www.windandbones.com

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