分類: 活動公告
來源: 語言中心 - 林瑜珊 - yushan@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8905492
對象: 全校教師_全校學生
標題: 107-1 Meet with our writing tutors in English Writing Clinic from 5th of November to 28th of December
日期: Fri, 23 Nov 2018 16:34:37 +0800

107-1 Meet with our writing tutors in English Writing Clinic 

English Writing Clinic offers free writing consultation from 5th of November to 28th of December! Please go to Schedule for more information.
English Writing Clinic aims to help students with their thesis statements, outlines, structure and logic of writing assignments. We offer services for undergraduates and international students at NDHU.

Make an appointment:
Please email to lcdonghwa@gmail.com (Subject: English Writing Clinic-Your Name)
Consultation time: an hour a time, two hours per semester. (If the student needs more than two hours, after getting approval from the consultants, s/he can apply for a maximum of six hours’ tutorial)
Schedule: please refer to
Please notice that we do not help to proofread or edit master theses and doctoral dissertations in English Wiring Clinic. For more information about proofreading and editing service, please refer to Editing Service.
Language Center

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