分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學者與境外學生服務組 - 許子翊 - issa@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話(03)863-4120
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【文化小旅行】客家文化在慢城鳳林
日期: Wed, 6 Dec 2017 11:27:00 +0800
附檔: 20171216 鳳林慢城行程表.pdf (248 KB)   

花蓮縣鳳林鎮是一個純樸的客家小鎮,最大的特色是菸樓聚落和日本移民村,並在2014年通過國際慢城組織認證,成為全台灣第一個國際慢城城市。國際慢城組織(Cittaslow International)是1999年由4個義大利小城鎮發起,在不改變生活節奏下,促進地方經濟成長、提升生活品質的全球組織。它的標誌是蝸牛,強調慢慢體驗的居住、飲食與娛樂模式。要成為慢城會員,申請城鎮必須經過72項資格審查,內容包括人口少於5萬、醫療便利性、污水、光害程度、公園綠地覆蓋率、手工藝保存,一直到使用本地與有機食材的餐廳家數等。


1.	活動日期:2017年12月16日(星期六)
2.	集合時間地點:2017/12/16上午8:40 多容館後方停車場
3.	報名資格:全體學生 (含交換學生、僑生、陸生、外國學生、本籍學生)
4.	活動費用:新台幣500元整
5.	繳費開始:2017年11月29日(星期三)早上10:00 (先搶先贏,額滿為止。)
 *請事先完成線上報名,繳費地點:國際處辦公室 (行政大樓4樓408室)*
6.	報名網址:https://goo.gl/XXSbxL
7.	請自備一個樂扣盒將DIY南瓜粿帶回。
8.	活動行程請參考附件行程表(行程可能因路況或天氣因素有所調整)。

Fonglin is an unsophisticated Hakka town with distinguishing features in tobacco barns and Japanese immigrated villages. It has become the first identified Cittaslow town in Taiwan recognized by Cittaslow International. Cittaslow International was born in 1999, members are motivated by curios people of a recovered time, where man is still protagonist of the slow and healthy succession of seasons, respectful of citizens’ health, the authenticity of products and good food, rich of fascinating craft traditions of valuable works of art, places of the spirit and unspoiled landscapes, respect of traditions through the joy of a slow and quiet living. The trademark is “an orange colored snail bearing a crown of modern and historical buildings”, the soul of the local communities engages with modernity without being unduly influenced by globalization.

With the integrated Hakka traditional culture, Fonglin conforms to Cittaslow ideally. Additionally, with local residents’ effort, Fonglin earns the first Cittaslow identification in Taiwan. In this mini-trip, we are going to deeply explore Fonglin by local resident’s interpretation, walking through historic spot, enjoying traditional food and DIY of local ingredient and so on. Also we will learn how Fonlin earns the Cittaslow identification and manage their communities.

1.	Event Date:Saturday, December 16, 2017
2.	Gathering place:Parking Lot, West Community House, NDHU 2017/12/16(Sat.) 08:40am. Buses will leave at 09:00 am and we do not wait for anyone who is late.
3.	Qualification:All Students in NDHU (including exchange students, foreign students, overseas Chinese students, main-land China students and Taiwan students.)
4.	How to go:Go and return by the rented bus; locally move by feet.
5.	Expense:NT 500 (including transport, traditional lunch, insurance fee and Fonglin interpreter fee. And there will be no refund once you cannot attend the event.)
6.	Payment Start:10:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 29, 2017 (first Come, first In)
*Please complete on-line registration in advance. Payment location:OIA Office ( Room 408, Administration Building) *
7.	On-line registration Web:https://goo.gl/XXSbxL
8.	Please bring a food container for your own DIY of Hakka traditional food.
9.	Schedule as the attachment. (The schedule may be changed due to weather or the road condition)

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20171216 鳳林慢城行程表.pdf

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