分類: 活動公告
來源: 副校長室 - 馮信堯 同學 - hultprizeatndhu@gmail.com - 電話0988-069727
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題: [東華霍特獎]Hult’s工作坊的最終章
日期: Sat, 25 Nov 2017 00:06:04 +0800


 在這個荒蕪世代,不甘心只是徐志摩康河柔波的一株水草嗎?不想要僅是東華茫茫人海中的一粒粟嗎?不願意十年寒窗卻無人問津嗎?來吧!你只是缺少一個舞台、一個機會!參加工作坊讓它幫你實踐吧! 這次霍特獎工作坊邀請到史詩級的講者,他將會教你如何讓創意具體化、抓住專案核心和痛點、整合商業模式行銷自己!想要將所有天馬行空幻化成可行的企畫書,想要一窺史詩級講者的真面目嗎?



 In this desolate generation, are you not willing only to be a riverside weed? Are you not happy with being a nobody lost in the crowded masses? Come join us! You only lack a chance, a stage to show yourself! Take part in this workshop and make it real.

In this workshop, Hult prize invites an epic speaker who will teach you how to make your ideas more concrete, capture the core and points of your project, and integrate your business model to market yourself! Do you want to make your business proposal from being simply imaginative into something actually feasible? Do you want to get a glimpse of the true face of this epic speaker? Bring your business proposal and join us on 12/1

 Workshop sign-up link:https://goo.gl/forms/5pSPs5qVYk2TqPK82


距離 比賽報名截止12/3 只剩下一個禮拜,歡迎各位朋友把握最後一週來參與!!

 Hult prize懶人包:https://www.facebook.com/HultPrizeNDHU/posts/187373231825032



 The competition registration deadline is on 12/3, only a week from now, we welcome everyone to seize the final chance to participate ! !

 Competition information speed-read version: https://www.facebook.com/HultPrizeNDHU/posts/187373231825032

Matching system sign up: https://www.surveycake.com/s/1a8qw

Registration link:http://hultprizeat.com/ndhu

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