分類: 活動公告
來源: 副校長室 - 馮信堯 同學 - hultprizeatndhu@gmail.com   - 電話0988-069727
對象: 全校教師_全校學生_系所助理
標題:  一杯咖啡,一間學校/A cup of coffee, A school
日期: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 12:03:33 +0800

From their participation of Hult Prize to now, although IMPC went through setbacks and failure, they never give up until 
they made their dreams come true. They not only raised 25,000 US dollars in INDIEGOGO but also won the world championship of Hult Prize. Now they continue to achieve their plan step by step.

👉11/2 湖畔玻璃屋,他們將與我們分享,歡迎大家一起來和IMPCT交流聊天!
11/2 at the NDHU Lakeside Glass House, they are going to share what they went through. We welcome all to participate and communicate with IMPCT.

[IMPCT—— 一杯冠軍咖啡] 工作坊
[IMPCT——A cup of championship coffee ] workshop
👉時間Time:11/2 (四) 1800-2100
湖畔玻璃屋 (湖畔餐廳隔壁藝術中心2樓玻璃屋)
Second floor of Lakeside, at glass house
👉報名連結Registration link: 
Hult Prize 東華區域賽 
2018 Hult Prize Dong-hua regional tournament
👉報名連結Registration link:http://hultprizeat.com/ndhu

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