分類: 活動公告
來源: 社會參與中心 - 社會參與中心 - newhope1106@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5246
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 2017 東華免費市集-你丟我撿-新生季拾取
日期: Fri, 15 Sep 2017 10:56:55 +0800


106 / 9 / 16 (六) 





你丟我撿在東華今年邁入第六屆! 這是一個非營利的活動,完全免費!

將您需要、但依然有用的東西帶走, 或是盡情分享您的技能、天賦、食物、音
Bring something which still usable but you no longer need or share your skill、
talent ...anything you want to share.

每年在學期結束前幾天的宿舍區 同學們 大多會將不需要的單車、生活用品、教科
書等物品丟棄校園角落或垃圾桶, 卻不考慮將其贈送或低價販售給其他需要的同學,
可見將用不到的物品”分享”的風氣並未在大學校園中廣為流傳, 取而代之的卻是
Students living in the dormitory usually throw away their bicycles, living
supplies, textbooks and stuff to various corners of the campus or dump cart
at the end of every semester.

一開始會將不再需要的生活用品丟到垃圾子母車 ~ 於是你丟我撿透過這個活動身
體力行 由幾位熱心的同學自行發起這個活動 一起整理、分類物資 讓同學們 撿喜
歡或需要的東西 也有地方可以分享可用物資。 你丟我撿就這樣從垃圾推子母車裡
Some students volunteered to gather these abandoned supplies and put
them in order, just to make other students pick up what they want easier. It
became a place to share.

Just to prevent these usable things to be threw away. "Create the value from
the waste"

中。 因為我們認為他們會帶給我們歡樂,事情更方便,生活更輕鬆。 但他們太多,
他們無處不在:我們如何看待自己和這些物品的關係。 如果你要開始計算你的東西,
你會發現,不知怎的,它不適合你的房子? 但是你要指望他們能改變你的生活,然
We've been accumulating stuff, in our house, on the streets, in our brains. We
thought it would bring us happiness, to be more convenient, make life easier,
but the things are too much, they are everywhere, and how do we connect
the relationship between these things and ourselves? If you are going to
calculate your items, you'll find out that somehow it is not suitable for your

house? You hoping them to change your life, but at a certain place of your
house it is just a figure.

<物資循環再利用> 每年我們這裡有棉被 衣服 床墊 草蓆 電風扇 鉛筆 原子筆
包包 ~ 滿坑滿谷 有爆滿的物資 你跳進 還會彈出來 Each year we got quilts,
clothes, mats, mattress, fans, pencil, pen, bags ~plenty. There will be full of
supplies, you can jump in and bounces out.

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