分類: 行政公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: Dong Hwa’s Sports Field reservation period shortened effective from Jun. 1, 2017 (Thu) onwards
日期: Wed, 31 May 2017 09:30:45 +0800

“Sports Field Management System” of NDHU originally allowed Dong Hwa’ s faculty and students to book from 6th day up to 20th day in advance for sports field reservation, now it is to be revised to from 6th day up to ~13th day in advance instead, effective from Jun.1, 2017 (Thu) onwards, please note.

Sports field in the Dong Hwa campus has been much sought after in light of the great gusto shown in sports by faculty and students.

Standing rule of “Sports Field Management System” of NDHU decreed that reservation of sports field could be booked from 6th day to 20th day in advance. However, viewing limited facilities and increased aspiring users there’re many an occasions that those who had already booked sports field were often asked to forsake their right in using the sports field due to big events or teaching need.

To avoid such awkward situation, we decided to shorten the reservation period from 6th days up to 13th days in advance (7 days’ time window for reservation). E.g. on Jun. 1 (Thu) you can book sports field during following period of time: Jun. 7 (Wed) to Jun.1 3(Tue). 

Thank you all for your kind attention and cooperation.

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