分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處國際學術合作與交流組 - 國際處 - ice@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038634107
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【轉知】Summer programme at Charles University in Prague: „Understanding Europe in an Age of Uncertainty”
日期: Wed, 17 May 2017 10:51:46 +0800
附檔: Charles University - Summer University Prague 2017.pdf (2 MB)   

Dear colleagues,

we would like to inform you and your students about our academic programme "Summer University Prague 2017: Understanding Europe in an Age of Uncertainty", taking place at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) during September 2017 (September 9 – 23). 

The preliminary application deadline is June 22, 2017.
At this moment, about one half of the places has already been allocated to successful applicants, but the other half is still available. 

This study programme is internationally acknowledged, successful participants will be given 10 ECTS credits. 

For detailed information please see our official website http://summer-university.fsv.cuni.cz, Facebook page Spring and Summer Universities Prague or the attached file.

We would appreciate if you could forward this message to your students and colleagues who might be interested in this programme.

Thank you very much for your cooperation!

Many greetings from Prague,

Petra Baštová
Petra Bastova, Ph.D.
Summer University Coordinator
Institute of International Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
U Krize 8, 158 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic

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Charles University - Summer University Prague 2017.pdf

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