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來源: 東台灣人文與環境研究及社會實踐中心 - 東臺灣中心 - ycl@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5230
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標題:  106/5/4 【Eddie Walker’s 毛利族語復振與認同之旅分享會】Eddie Walker講座
日期: Mon, 1 May 2017 09:26:34 +0800
附檔: 10654 【Eddie Walker’s 毛利族語復振與認同之旅分享會】Eddie Walker講座.jpg (119 KB)   



於2015年參訪紐西蘭歐提羅毛利大學(Te Wānanga o Aotearoa),

2015年11月,邀請該校副校長John Whaanga來台講述原住民族研究倫理的實踐。
這個五月,我們將邀請到歐提羅毛利大學的資深主管Eddie Walker,


歡迎各位朋友踴躍參與,認識 Eddie, 認識毛利文化!

【時間】2017年 05月 04日 (四) 19:00–21:00 
【主講】Eddie Walker│紐西蘭歐提羅毛利大學(Te Wānanga o Aotearoa)資深主管
【主持】Sifo Lakaw|台灣阿美族語言永續發展學會 秘書長

Eddie Walker, senior staff of Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, 
one of the largest Maori tertiary education provider in New Zealand, 
will speak at the College of Indigenous Studies on his personal experience learning the Maori culture and language as an adult.

As the result of centuries of colonial impact, only 5% of children spoke the Maori language in the 1970s. 
However, with the famous Language Nest movement,
the Maori people were able to successfully revitalize the Maori language as well as the culture.
It is against this historical context that Eddie will share with us his own journey of becoming Maori. 
Having grown up in a large family of 16 siblings, 
the only person that is fluent in the Maori language is his father. 
Over the last 3 years he has taken the journey to learn his own language. 
It has been a journey of ups and downs but it has opened up a worldview that challenges his current view of the world.

Time: 19:00-21:00 on May 4, 2017
Place: TALU’AN, College of Indigenous Studies at NDHU
Speaker: Eddie Walker // Senior Staff, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa)
Discussant: Sifo Lakw // Secretary General, Association of Pangcah Language Revitalization in Taiwan
Hosts: Office of International Affairs, College of Indigenous Studies, NDHU // Eastern Taiwan Environmental Humanities Research and Social Practice Center, NDHU // Association of Pangcah Language Revitalization in Taiwan

Introducing Eddie Walker
Ko Te Tinana te waka.
Ko Karirikura te moana.
Ko Whangatauatia te moana.
Ko Te Rarawa me Ngati Kahu me Airihi ōku iwi.
Ko Te Ohaki me Oturu me Te Paatu ōku marae.
No Ahipara ahau.
Ko Eruera Waaka tōku ingoa.
Eddie Walker is of Māori and Irish descent.
He has worked for Te Wānanga o Aotearoa (Māori tribal college) in Aotearoa New Zealand for 14 years in many roles from Student Resource co-ordinator, 
Procurement Manager, Business Analyst and Lead for an IT Team but his main role is serving his people.
He is also on the Executive Board of AMO (Advancement of Māori Opportunity). 
A non-profit leadership programme that has a sister organisation called AIO (American’s for Indian Opportunity). Between them they have relationships with Māori iwi (tribes), 
Native Americans, Native Canadians, Inuit in Alaska, Hawaiians, Peruvians, Bolivians, Pacific peoples, Ainu in Japan, Aborigines in Australia and Sami in Finland and Norway and now, the beautiful people from Taiwan. 
The objective for AMO and AIO is to provide a programme that teaches leadership through the common indigenous values of Respect, Reciprocity, Relationships, Redistribution and Responsibility.
Eddie comes from a whānau (family) of 16 brothers and sisters, but it is unfortunate that none of his family, other than his father speaks fluent Te Reo Māori.
Over the last 3 years he has taken the journey to learn his own language. 
It has been a journey of ups and downs but it has opened up a worldview that challenges his current view of the world.

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