分類: 課程公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632613
對象: 全校教職員_教職員眷屬
標題: aekwondo for kids (aged 6 ~9) —PE Center’s extended course of 2016-2 semester postponed to start on May. 13 (Sat)
日期: Fri, 7 Apr 2017 09:54:52 +0800
附檔: 106.4.7報名表R1.docx (23 KB)兒童跆拳課程表.docx (16 KB)   

As there is too short a time for us to promulgate this course and to let more aspirant kids who are interested in Taekwondo have the opportunity to contact relative courses, we decided to postpone starting day of this “Taekwondo for kids” from Apr. 8 (Sat) to May. 13 (Sat), class time remains unchanged: Saturday 19:00-20:00.

Total 8 sessions from May. 13 ~Jul. 1, 2017.
Charge: NT$2000
Venue: Taekwondo classroom in the gymnasium complex, Dong Hwa at Shoufeng campus.
Chen, Shi-xin:  golden medal winner in Taekwondo matches of Olympic Games at Athens, 2004
Hu, Shi-xuan:  training player for national Taekwondo team.
Xu, Ting-wei:  Dong Hwa’s Taekwon sports team.
Sign-up: please fill in attached sign-up form and e-mail to : james@gms.ndhu.edu.tw  , attention: Mr. James Chuang

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