分類: 課程公告 來源: 教務處課務組 - 陳君如 - ju@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話2124 對象: 全校學生 標題: 「期中教學意見回饋」系統將自3月20日(一)起開放學生填寫(NDHU’s mid-term teaching feedback system will open on March 20) 日期: Mon, 20 Mar 2017 10:18:27 +0800
各位同學好: 本學期(105學年度第2學期)「期中教學意見回饋」系統, 將於106年3月20日(一)中午12:00起開放同學填寫, 請各位同學善加利用此系統功能,以提供授課老師教學相關建言。 *教學卓越中心為鼓勵同學填答線上期中教學意見回饋,完成線上填答的同學將抽出五十名可獲得兩百元禮券,歡迎線上填答。 說明: 一、本系統提供學生和老師課程溝通管道,於每學期期中開放學生填寫,學生的身份將受到保密。 二、系統開放時間內,學生可隨時上網填寫及更新對課程之建言(系統永遠保留最新資訊),此建言將提供授課老師參考,進而提升及改善教學品質。 三、系統開放時間:自3月20日(一)中午12時起至4月28日(五)晚上11時止。 四、學生填寫網址:本校首頁-->點選【在校學生】-->【在校學生課務資訊】-->【期中教學回饋(學生)】-->輸入e-mail帳號、密碼後登入-->依個別課程給予意見 網址:http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/CLASS/MTFB_Stud_WebSite/Login.aspx Dear students, NDHU’s mid-term teaching feedback system will open on March 20. Please provide your thoughts, suggestion, and feedback to classes that you are taking this semester. Students who filled out the feedback will enter a lucky draw for the chance of winning a 200-dollar gift certificate. There will be 50 winners, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity offered by the Center for Teaching Excellence. This anonymous system is for communication between students and professors only. It will be available in the middle of the semester. Students may update their suggestions during the available time of the system, and the system will always save the newest information. The feedback system is aimed to help professors gain insight and adjust their teaching to meet students’ needs. Available from 12:00 March 20 2017 to 23:00 April 28 2017. Website: http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/CLASS/MTFB_Stud_WebSite/Login.aspx Sincerely,