分類: 課程公告, 招生公告
來源: 體育中心 - James C. S. Chuang - james@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632613
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_教職員眷屬
標題: Physical Education Center’s basis/advanced badminton extension courses of 2016-1 postpones 1 week to start
日期: Mon, 19 Sep 2016 14:44:50 +0800
附檔: 105.9.7報名表.docx (23 KB)羽球進階_推廣教育班(二)_(1).docx (56 KB)羽球初階_推廣教育班(四)_(2).docx (113 KB)   

Originally scheduled Tue/Thu basis/advanced badminton extension courses of Physical Education Center of NDHU now postpones 1 week to start the class in order to encompass as more students as possible,  new course time listed as below for your reference. Those who already signed up please pay attention to this alteration, those who are interested in but not yet registered, welcome your signing-up:

Badminton basis class:
Minimum number of students to begin a class: 15 persons, at most 20 persons.
Every Tuesday 
Time: 19:10-20:50

First class: (six sessions)
Date: Sep/27~Nov/1 

Second class: (six sessions)
Date: Nov/8~Dec/13

Venue: Badminton court in Gymnasium, NDHU

Badminton advanced class:
Minimum number of students to begin a class:  12 persons

Every Thursday
Date: Sep/29~Dec/15
Time: 19:10 ~ 20:50
Venue: Badminton court in Gymnasium, NDHU

Syllabuses/teachers’ curriculum vitae/sign-up form please refer to attachments of this notice.

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