分類: 活動公告
來源: 歐盟研究中心 - En - eurc@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話(03)8635941
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標題: 2015 Taiwan European Film Festival Now Playing!!!!
日期: Tue, 8 Dec 2015 07:48:09 +0800
附檔: A_Step_Poster.jpg (104 KB)   2015 TEFF  Screenings in NDHU.pdf (294 KB)   

The 11th Taiwan European Film Festival (TEFF) will take place from November 19th, 2015 to January 17th, 2016 with over 450 screenings in 30 locations all around Taiwan (English and Chinese subtitles, free of charge entrance). TEFF will present a selection of 17 recent feature films from the European Union aiming to show the diversity of cultures, arts and languages from the EU countries. This festival is organized since 2005 by the European Economic and Trade Office(EETO) together with Infine Art and Culture Exchange(INFINE), with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China(MOFA).

Location: Humanities and Social Sciences Building I C109 
Screen time: 2015, November 20~December 14 Monday~Friday 19:00

Information for movies: http://www.teff.tw/2015-taiwan-european-film-festival/


A step into the dark (Krok do tmy)
Slovakia, Drama, 120 min
Directed by Miloslav Luther
In Slovak with English and Chinese subtitles
Rating: PG13
A young doctor, former partisan leader – is he a hero, or a murderer? His wife – a victim, or a minion of a totalitarian regime? And his lover – a political careerist, or a naive single mother betrayed by fate? The dramatic fates of these antiheroes from the era of rise of communism are stories of violence and resistance, weakness and courage, much like the ones that take place today.
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/106669979

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2015 TEFF Screenings in NDHU.pdf

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