分類: 課程公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 臺灣文化學系 - 唐家渝 - abby0528@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038635213
對象: 全校教師_全校學生
標題: SPEECH_2015/10/01(Thur.)Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity from Different Perspectives
日期: Wed, 30 Sep 2015 13:46:56 +0800
附檔: 20151001_Adam_Speech.jpg (620 KB)   

Subject:Ethnic Groups and Ethnicity from Different Perspectives

Speaker:Dr. Adam Horálek(Head of the department, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Arts, University of Pardubice)

Time:2015/10/1_(Thursday)_14:00-17:00 p.m.

Place:Humanities and Social Sciences Building (I)_Room A207  


The lecture will focus on different perspectives on ethnic minorities and ethnicity in different Asian countries. From an overall discourse between primordialist and modernist approaches towards ethnicity we will move to presentation of few Asian examples of different understanding of ethnicity and its impact on ethnic minorities.

These examples will cover Central Asia, PRC and will be compared with general ethnicity approaches in Europe and in Taiwan. Finally, there will be enough time to discuss the specifics of ethnic identity in Taiwan and compare it with other understandings of this unique concept which is so vital and influential in contemporary world. 

Horálek 博士一直對亞洲脈絡下的族裔議題充滿興趣。在就學與進行研究的數年間,往返歐亞多次,對於歐亞雙邊對於族裔的課題相當具有見解。目前,Horálek 博士預計進行台灣捷克雙邊合作計畫,針對捷克境內的少數族裔課題、與台灣原住民在政治與社會上之層理進行比較研究,並且企圖透過本次演講,與有興趣的老師們相遇與討論,尋求可能的合作機會。歡迎對台捷雙邊合作研究計畫有興趣的老師們蒞臨指教。

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