分類: 行政公告
來源: 圖書資訊中心圖資服務組 - 楊麗娟 - ylj@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632811
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: Library supply air-conditioning normally from today. 
日期: Thu, 6 Aug 2015 14:17:36 +0800

Dear All,
    We are now glad to notice all of you that the whole Library building re-supply the air conditioning from today for the project of handling chilly water engine system has been ahead of schedule.
   Welcome to use the resources and equipment again as before. 
   So sorry for your inconvenient and uncomfortable caused in the period and thank you for your understanding! 
Sincerely yours, 
Library and Information Center

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