分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 自然資源與環境學系-李莉莉 - lily@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8633335
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: WildView Taiwan Film Festival in association with Wildscreen (臺灣野望自然國際影展)
日期: Fri, 22 May 2015 09:03:48 +0800

Dear all,

WildView Taiwan Film Festival in association with Wildscreen (beginning at 19:00)
Venue: Room A114. B119, Environmental Science Building

May 26th (Tue.) Inside Nature's Giants – The Giraffe
49 minutes
Trailer: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/wild/videos/inflating-a-giraffes-lungs/

‘Inside Nature’s Giants’ delves under the skin of the world’s largest animals to reveal their unique anatomy and unravel their evolutionary secrets. Creationists hold up the giraffe as the ultimate challenge to evolution - how could a creature have evolved such a long neck? But for Richard Dawkins the internal anatomy of the world’s tallest animal provides some of the best arguments in favour of natural selection. Some nerves take huge detours up and down the long neck – from the voice box to the brain – hardly the work of an Intelligent Designer.

Finalist for 2010 Series Award
A Windfall Films production, commissioned by Channel 4 Television & National Geographic Channel
United Kingdom

May 28th (Thu.) Super Smart Animals: Episode 1
60 minutes
Trailer : http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00nzs13

For centuries, the idea of intelligent animals struck most people as ridiculous. The concept that they could talk, solve problems, even feel emotion was the stuff of fiction. But not any more: the latest science reveals that animals are a lot smarter than we thought. Tool use, insight, language, culture, emotion, consciousness are all qualities we once thought uniquely human. But over the course of two programmes, presenter Liz Bonnin gradually discovers that Super Smart Animals have them all.

Winner of 2012 Children’s Choice Award
A BBC & Discovery Channel co-production
United Kingdom

The college of Environmental Studies

Chinese version (中文版)

05月26日(二)解剖巨物:長頸鹿 Inside Nature's Giants – The Giraffe
解剖巨物揭露大型動物體內獨特且不為人知的生理運作。為什麼長頸鹿演化出這麼長的脖子?對李察(Richard Dawkins)而言,解剖長頸鹿將能為他提供相當重要的研究資料。在長頸鹿脖子中交錯的複雜神經系統連結聲帶、大腦及其他器官,影響長頸鹿的智力發展,也幫助牠們在演化潮流中脫穎而出。

2010年 最佳系列影集獎入圍
A Windfall Films production, commissioned by Channel 4 Television & National Geographic Channel

05月28日(四)超級聰敏動物 Super Smart Animals: Episode 1
過去人們始終認定人類的智慧讓所有其他物種望塵莫及,動物們不可能會交談、解決問題也沒有感情。然而,這部影片將告訴你事實絕非如此,其實,動物們比我們想像的聰明許多。牠們擁有我們曾認為是人類專屬的能力:懂得使用工具、能思考、有自己的語言及文化、甚至有反省的能力。莉絲(Liz Bonnin) 將在影片中告訴你,這些超級聰敏動物遠比你想像的還有聰明!

2012年 兒童首選獎得主

環境學院 敬邀

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