分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會, 其他公告
來源: 藝術中心 - arts - arts@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632604 / 8632606
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 2014東華秋藝季~12/13(六)13:00「麥克筆.點金術」巡迴特展:現場導覽及示範教學
日期: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 14:54:18 +0800
附檔: 【麥克筆‧點金術】專題展巡迴海報--東華.jpg (678 KB)   

展覽時間:2014年12月11日(四)至21日(日) 09:00~17:00 (六日正常展出)
現場導覽解說:2014年12月13日(六) 13:00~14:00 (自由參加)
現場示範教學活動:2014年12月13日(六) 14:00~16:00 (自由參加)

Date: December 11th ~ 21st, 2014
Place: Lakeside Bldg. (1st and 2st Floor)
Opening Ceremony:
December 13th (Saturday) 13:00-14:00	Tour and Illustration	Mr. Jian Wang
December 13th (Saturday) 14:00-16:00	On-site Demonstration & Tutorial	 Mr. S.C. Ma



  除王健的作品外,也還有陸定邦的<我的第一本教科書>將多張麥克筆手稿攝成幻燈片,拼排而成特殊創作;以及德國紅點獎得主楊耿賢的<Design & Marker>,呈現麥克筆在設計圖上的多種表現。國立臺灣藝術教育館館長鄭乃文表示,麥克筆經過藝術界發揮及創新,已不再只是繪畫練習塗鴉的工具,而成為設計創意最快速具體展現成果的媒介,為此特別策劃「麥克筆、點金術」專題展,讓大家感受麥克筆的魅力。



  Can markers do magic? Thanks to the rich work done by markers, all sorts of contemporary designing businesses have turned arts into a gold mine just like the famous “Midas Touch”. The exhibition tour of “The Magic of Marker” organized by National Taiwan Arts Education Center (NTAEC) featured with 60 pieces of artwork created by 30 domestic artists to introduce the development of markers in Taiwan throughout different stages, for instance its characteristics, techniques, and arts, via its multidimensional designing and artistic pieces. This exhibition also comes with a lot of educational activities including guided tours, tutorials, seminars, and hands-on workshops to present to the general public not only the special features of the media for markers, but also the original and diversified artwork for them to further explore the aesthetic contents of markers in the fields of designing and arts.

  This exhibition contains quite some masterpieces, for instance Shalu Guest House, Stage Costumes, and Porsche & 1300c.c. Motorcycle created by the “Father of Marker in Taiwan” Mr. Jian Wang, Prof. D.B. Luh’s My First Textbook containing many slides of his original marker manuscripts, and Design & Marker of Vic Yang the winner of the Red Dot Design Award (Germany).

  The curator of NTAEC, Dr. Nai-Wen Cheng, stated that having been used creatively by the art circles, markers are no longer simple tools for practice or doodle but the medium for rapid presentation of originalities in design, and this exhibition was organized to convey its charms to the general public. The opening ceremony will be held at 10:00 am on December 13th by the National Dong Hwa University Arts Center inviting Mr. Jian Wang as the keynote “tour guide”. At 2:00 pm, Mr. S.C. Ma will be doing an on-site demonstration as well as tutorial; everybody is welcomed to join for free.

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