分類: 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 藝術中心 - arts - arts@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632604.2606
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 2014東華秋藝季 ~ 11/27【Kotaro Kamei Trio】All in Jazz校園音樂會
日期: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 08:33:38 +0800
附檔: jazz_Done-01.jpg (190 KB)   2014東華秋藝季POSTER.jpg (220 KB)   

時間:  2014年11月27日(四) 19:00  (約18:40開放進場)
地點: 東華大學學生活動中心演講廳
演出者: 亀井孝太郎(爵士鼓)、山田洋平(貝斯)、許聰義(鋼琴)

        配合東華大學2067校慶活動,2014東華秋藝季於上月起即舉辦了多場精彩演出,為11月份的校慶活動展開暖身。正式進入全校同賀的校慶月份,藝術中心當然也不會缺席,將於11月27日邀請到亀井孝太郎、山田洋平與許聰義三位知名爵士音樂家,在學生活動中心演講廳帶來一場絕佳的「All in Jazz」爵士饗宴,邀請各位熱愛音樂的朋友們蒞臨欣賞,一同祝賀東華大學校慶快樂喔!

        亀井孝太郎( Kotaro Kamei) 出生於日本京都,1998年獲得Berklee獎學金並進入Berklee College of Music就讀。在學期間,曾與其他爵士樂手組成<Grooveline>爵士樂團,2004年發行<Grooveline>專輯後,至今已發行三張爵士專輯,並經常與知名爵士樂手合作,如SOFFet、Water Water Camel、小林香織等。

        貝斯手——山田洋平( Yohei Yamada)畢業於美國百克里音樂學院 (Berklee College of Music),曾參與多場大型演奏會與音樂節演出外,也擔任過國際新崛藝術學院的貝斯與音樂理論教師。鋼琴手——許聰義則為文化大學西樂系畢業,多次受邀於台中爵士音樂節表演,並固定於法藍瓷音樂沙龍及藍調演出,演出經驗極為豐富。


**「2014東華秋藝季~【Kotaro Kamei Trio】All in Jazz校園音樂會」演出地點為東華大學學生活動中心演講廳(室內)演出,為維護演出品質與觀賞安全,場內座位額滿後,即不再開放觀眾進場,若造成不便之處,敬請見諒!

“Kotaro Kamei Trio – All in Jazz” – Campus Concert
Date: November 27th (Thursday), 2014
Time: 19:00
Place: Lecture Hall, Student Activities Center

Born in 1977 in Kyoto, Japan, Kotaro Kamei started to learn the piano at the age of four, and the Jazz drum kit at 15. He was granted the Berklee scholarship and started his study at Berklee College of Music in 1998.

At Berklee he was instructed by Kenwood Dennard, Larry Finn, Joe Hunt, and Dave Samuels while teamed up with other Jazz musicians and formed the “Grooveline”, of which the debut album, “Grooveline”, was published in Japan by Victor Entertainment in 2004. Kotaro Kamei has published three Jazz albums so far, and very often copes with famous Jazz musicians including SOFFet, Water Water Camel, and Kaori Kobayashi.

In a Jazz band, the piano, the bass, and the drum kit are called rhythm section, and it is rather difficult to deliver a good performance from this type of setting because in addition to possessing outstanding solo skills, each player must be capable of adequately accompanying while other player was doing solo. In other words, this setting requires great silent understanding.

This concert will be performed by the Kotaro Kamei Trio, Kotaro himself (drums) with Yohei Yamada (bass), and Vaduguras (piano), hoping to bring the beautiful NDHU campus a wondering Jazz evening.

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