分類: 活動公告, 其他公告
來源: 藝術中心 - arts - arts@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8632604.2606
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_退休教職員_校友_教職員眷屬
標題: 2014東華秋藝季~10/30【林生祥與大竹研】校園巡迴音樂會
日期: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:36:32 +0800
附檔: 1030 poster.jpg (914 KB)   1030_2 poster.jpg (907 KB)   2014東華秋藝季POSTER.jpg (220 KB)   


時間:2014年10月30日(四) 19:00
地點:國立東華大學湖畔藝術特區 (雨備 : 學生活動中心演講廳)



    大竹研,生於日本,是林生祥近年來最密切的音樂夥伴,其也曾與平安隆(Takashi Hirayasu)搭檔,被譽為「最沉穩內斂的搭檔夥伴」。大竹研透過對音樂理性的拆解與分析,佐以原音彈撥,發揮較插電效果器更富想像力的音響效果,提煉出創新的音樂能量,成功地與不同的音樂類型合作,激盪出各式漂亮的音樂火花,是位受到高度矚目的音樂人。


“Sheng-Xiang Lin & Ken Ohtake” – Lakeside Concert
Date: October 30th (Thursday), 2004
Time: 19:00
Place: Lakeside Building (if it rains: Auditorium, Student Activities Center)

This time, the well-known “Lin Sheng-Xiang & Band” features Sheng-Xiang Lin (moon guitar and vocal), Ken Ohtake (electric guitar), and Toru Hayakawa (electrical bass).

Yong-Feng Chung and Sheng-Xiang Lin have been working together on lyrics and tunes since 1999 when their first album, Let Us Sing Mountain Songs, was released, and now they have seven albums. During the course of that, Chung has won the “Best Lyricist” twice from the “Golden Melody Awards”; Lin, seven “Golden Melody Awards” and seven “Golden Indie Music Awards”. In 2001 the two went global, and they ended up touring more than 10 countries covering Europe, Asia, and America.

The two Japanese musicians, Ken Ohtake and Toru Hayakawa, joined the band in 2006 and 2009 respectively. Since both of them have acquired mastery of Jazz improvisation, they have never failed to bring surprise into their performances.

The band always pays close attention to certain topics, such as peasants and workers, environment, etc., and the music presented is the one and only Neofolk’n’Rock in Taiwan based on traditional Taiwanese music elements with a touch of western music. The concert this time will mainly be performing the tracks from their newest album, I-Village, along with a fine selection from their previous albums at National Dong Hwa University where the mountain meets the ocean.

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