分類: 活動公告, 課程公告
來源: 通識教育中心 - 李睿芬 - fen19@mail.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038632602
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 12/3(二) – 12/16(一)多媒材創作成果展 Creative Mixed Media Art Fall Exhibition
日期: Tue, 3 Dec 2013 09:07:20 +0800
附檔: 海報poster.jpg (262 KB)   

多媒材創作成果展 Creative Mixed Media Art Fall Exhibition
時間:12/3(二) – 12/16(一)
地點:Main Library 1 F  壽豐校區圖書館 1F


作品有同學的人生的感想或鼓勵(Art Journal); 有利用被遺忘的舊書來創作(Altered Books) ; 也有綜合不同技巧的剪貼塗鴉(Collage); 還有利用石膏、塑泥的創作(Plaster Art)。


~通識教育中心 敬邀~

指導老師 黃靜枝 助教 鄧福鈞
主辦單位 國立東華大學通識教育中心

Creative Mixed Media Art Fall Exhibition

Mixed Media Art uses more than one kind of medium to create art. It started in the early 20th century when Picasso included a non-art object in his painting. The Dadaists, in their anti-art movement, chose non-traditional approaches to express their artistic ideas, such as spontaneous performances or poems composed of a random selection of words. They inadvertently helped promote it and were followed by later artists. The mixed media process has become popular among modern artists.

This exhibition includes works of art journals, altered books, collages, and plaster art created by students from various disciplines.  None of them has any previous art training, but their enthusiasm and self-confidence inspire them to achieve levels only limited by their own creative minds. 

Exhibition Time:  2013. 12/3〜 16
Place: Main Library 1F
Sponsor: Creative Mixed Media Art, Center of General Education

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