分類: 活動公告, 課程公告
來源: 原住民民族學院 - 高穆凡 - mu@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_系所助理_兼任教師_退休教職員_校友
標題: 101.12.12 Dr. Bill Hipwell-重聲Skadang: 太魯閣族的領域化 
日期: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 10:33:03 +0800
附檔: Prof._Hipwell_lecture.jpg (181 KB)   民族講座-重聲Skadang-太魯閣族的領域化.doc (160 KB)   


講者:Dr. Bill Hipwell

講題:重聲Skadang: 太魯閣族的領域化 
          (Reclaiming Skadang: Truku Territorialisations in Taiwan)


地點:原民院 B310簡報室



Colonisation has involved the deterritorialisation of non-State social assemblages, and reterritorialisation of colonised places in the image of the State. “Deterritorialisation” is used here to mean the erasure of the physical traces and the cultural preconditions of non-State territoriality. These deterritorialisations are seldom more visible than where they have been undertaken against indigenous peoples. Resistance now in turn frequently takes the form of reterritorialisations by the colonised. Based primarily on twelve months of fieldwork over a six year period in Taiwan, this paper focuses on contemporary efforts by the “Formosan” (indigenous Taiwanese) Truku nation’s Skadang community (“alang”) in eastern Taiwan to formalise their ownership and occupancy of a traditional village site high in the mountains within what is now Taroko National Park.  It contextualises the Truku’s earlier loss of territory and territoriality as well as contemporary strategies of reterritorialisation within a geographic typology—constructed by the author— of territorialisations experienced or undertaken by colonised peoples the world over, in order to shed light on the processes of colonialism and neo-colonialism, and illuminate paths of effective resistance.

Keywords: Truku, Taiwan indigenous peoples; deterritorialization; reterritorialization; colonialism



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