分類: 活動公告, 演講暨研討會
來源: 國際學術合作與交流組 - 安梓濱 - pasuya@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【活動‧EVENT】國際事務講座:跨文化管理經驗分享;International Affairs Symposium :Experience in Intercultural Management
日期: Sat, 24 Nov 2012 07:53:57 +0800
附檔: 國際事務講座宣傳.jpg (210 KB)   

【活動‧EVENT】國際事務講座:跨文化管理經驗分享;International Affairs Symposium :Experience in Intercultural Management



When an international corporation builds a world-wide business network, it also brings challenges to its managers. 

What these managers have to face is to design better management mechanism and marketing programs for a company now motivated by people and conditions from and of different cultures.

“Giant,” a world-renowned international corporation, sends its brand manager, Ms. Nikki Jan, to NDHU to talk about her experience of being a manager that faces different challenges in an international corporation every day. 


本講座為全英文講授 / The speech will be delivered in English


主 講 人: 詹 立 慈 (巨大機械GIANT女性產品事業部品牌經理)

日期/Date : 2012/11/26(一) Mon.
時間/Time : 12:00pm~14:00pm
地點/Place: 管理學院第二講堂D124  /  The College of Management Building, 1th Floor D124

主辦單位:OIA國際事務處教學卓越計畫 Office of International Affairs
承辦單位:國際企業學系 Department of International Bussiness

本講座紀錄可匯入學生學習履歷,請攜帶學生證! Plaease bring your student card when attending these activities! 

本講座提供餐點,請於12:00pm~12:45pm於會場外享用。Lunch Provided at 12:00pm~12:45pm.



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