分類: 活動公告, 課程公告
來源: 體育中心 - 莊春昇 James Chuang - james@mail.ndhu.edu.tw
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 身心靈健康課程Beneficial Courses on Body, Mind and Soul
日期: Tue, 25 Sep 2012 12:11:08 +0800
附檔: 101.9.25報名表[1].doc (40 KB)   101.9.25身心靈課程介紹與時段表.doc (48 KB)   

報名與繳費地點:東華大學體育中心(壽豐鄉志學村大學路二段1-32號 )
費    用:一期12堂每人$2400,一次報名三種課程,優惠價$7000 (謝絕單堂報名)

Beneficial Courses on Body, Mind and Soul

These courses provide wholesome curricula on Hi-Low Aerobic,Somatic Yoga, Spiritual Yoga etc, which is conducive to the balance among body, mind, soul, enjoying a whole, fulfilled life.

Course held by: Physical Education Center
Participants: Teachers, Students, Faculty, Staff, Community Residents
Sign up by : 17:00 pm, Oct. 11, 2012 (Thu). (Please pay up tuition before attending class)
Sign up at: Physical Education Center, NDHU (No. 1-32, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Road., Shoufeng, Hualien)
Sign up via: Fax, e-mail or to the PE Center in person.
Course starting date: from Oct. 15, 2012 (Mon) on
Charge: NT$2400/one course * one person;    NT$7000/three courses * one person
*Record of completing such courses can be logged to Learning Passport of government employees.
Sign- up form and further details please log on to PE Center website:

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