分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 陳怡秀 - yishoue@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6212
對象: 全校教職員
標題: 【學生宿舍】國立東華大學113年度學生宿舍「暑假」住宿申請公告 【Student Dormitory】2024 Summer Dormitory Application
日期: Tue, 30 Apr 2024 21:08:54 +0800
附檔: 113年暑假宿舍申請海報紙本.pdf (421 KB)   

    (一)112-2宿舍住宿結束:113年6月24日(一)中午 12:00止。





Dear students,
The important schedule during the summer vacation of 113 academic year is as follows:
1.112-2 Student dormitory closed: 2024/06/24(Mon) 12:00 p.m
2.Summer accommodation: 2024/6/24(Mon) from 17:00 p.m to 8/31(Thu) until 12:00 p.m(The opening of summer accommodations will be adjusted to be earlier or later based on the timing of end-of-term inspections and penalty procedures for each dormitory.)
3.113-1 Student dormitory (for current students) opens on: 2024/9/4(Wed) 12:00 p.m

A. Important matters for the "Summer Accommodation Application for 113 academic year" are as follows:
  a. [Summer Accommodation Application]
    1. Time: 2024/05/20 (Mon) from 12:00 p.m to 05/26(Sun) until 12:00 p.m.
  2. Target: Students who are living in school in the 112th academic year or 113th academic year.
    3. Summer accommodation application: https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/sa/summer/login.aspx
Enter the school's e-mail account number and password and confirm that they have paid all the fees related to the dormitory.
   4.Summer accommodation bed shall be arranged by the student living services division
     (1)Dormitory 1: Those who lived in dormitory 1 during the 112th academic year will be staying at their current room/bed.
   ■ For those who are not continuing in the next semester and have applied for the second half of the period only, accommodation will be arranged at Dormitory 6 for the summer.
    (2)Dormitory 5: Primarily for graduate students who resided in the 112th academic year. Summer accommodation arrangements will be made in their original rooms at Dormitory 5 (excluding undergraduate students).
     ■ For those who are not continuing in the next semester and have applied for the second half of the period only, accommodation will be arranged at Dormitory 6 for the summer.
        ■ Undergraduate students will be uniformly assigned to Dormitory 6.
      (3)Dormitory 6: Primarily for students who resided in the 112th academic year.
      ■ Consists of four-person suites, where roommates can be registered by themselves (Duration of stay should be the same). If two persons wish to occupy a four-person suite, they must apply in person with paper documents for a special arrangement after moving in on 6/25 and pay the additional accommodation fee.
  5. Summer accommodation process: Apply Online - > payment - > stay in summer accommodation.

B.[Duration of Stay and The Fees]
  a.Full period: 2024/6/24 (Mon) from 17:00 p.m to 8 /31 (Sat) until 12:00 p.m
     Fee: Dormitory fee:
     (1)Dormitory 1: $4600, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $1000
     (2)Dormitory 5: $4600, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $1000
     (3)Dormitory 6: $4200, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $1000
  b.Half period:
    1.First half: 2024/6/24 (Mon) from 17:00 p.m to 7/31 (Wed) until 12:00 p.m (Those who do not complete the leaving process after the deadline will be treated as continuing the second half of the stay and will pay the accommodation fee in return).
      (1)Dormitory 1: $2600, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
      (2)Dormitory 5: $2600, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
      (3)Dormitory 6: $2400, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
    2.Second half: 2024/8/1 (Thu) from 17:00 p.m to 8/31 (Sat) until 12:00 p.m.
      (1)Dormitory 1: $2000, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
      (2)Dormitory 1: $2000, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
      (3)Dormitory 1: $1800, Internet fee $150, and Deposit $500
   c. Short-term: by day (for activities organized by clubs, camps, or departments, please apply in the form of projects).

C.[Summer Bed Announcement]
Announcement time: 2024/5/30 (Thu) 12:00 p.m, please check it on the website.

D.[Pay the summer accommodation fee]
Payment time: from 2024/5/30 (Thu) 12:00 p.m until 6/6 (Thu) 12:00 a.m, please go to the Bank of Taiwan website to download the payment slip and pay the fee(collection catogory: 1194), if you do not pay within the time limit, it will be seen as canceling the summer accommodation application.
E. [Summer Accommodation Notes]
  a.Residents must cooperate with cleaning operations, and students who apply for summer accommodation in the previous dormitories must cooperate with the cleaning operation, personal belongings are placed in accordance with regulations.
    b.In order to maintain the safety of the accommodation environment, it is not open to guests during the summer vacation accommodation, and it is strictly forbidden to bring non-residents into the dormitory, and those who violate the regulations are handled according to the relevant rules of the student dormitory management.
   c.please be sure to read the relevant regulations of accommodation in detail before applying for dormitory beds.

If there is a question related to the summer accommodation application, you may contact us: assistant Chung 03-8906217, assistant Chen 03-8906212


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