分類: 活動公告
來源: 國際事務處永續發展組 - 李莉莉 (Li-Li Lee) - sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-890-5120
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【Forward 協助轉知】International Conference on International Colleges 2024
日期: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 14:41:17 +0800
附檔: 附件1 (9).pdf (149 KB)   附件2 (7).pdf (208 KB)   附件3 (2).pdf (313 KB)   附件4 (1).pdf (396 KB)   


協助轉知東海大學國際學院辦理「International Conference on International Colleges 2024」活動辦法、宣傳海報、海報競賽報名表單、家長同意書,鼓勵本校學生踴躍報名參加。

三、報名方式:請欲參加海報競賽的同學,於113年5月6日(星期一)前,填寫海報競賽活動報名表單(Application Form),並傳送電子郵件至 icic@thu.edu.tw

Dear all,
This email forwards the details of the International Conference on International Colleges 2024, organized by Tunghai University International College. We encourage our students to participate.

1. Dates: June 19-20, 2024 (Wednesday to Thursday) from 9:00 to 17:00.
2. Venue: Tunghai University International College (PG-IC 100, 1st floor, Provincial Government Research Building, Second Teaching Area).
3. Registration Method: Students interested in the poster competition, please fill out the Poster Competition Registration Form (Application Form) by May 6, 2024 (Monday) and send it via email to icic@thu.edu.tw.
4. The entire event is free of charge.
5. Contact person at Tunghai University: Ms. Yang, phone: (04) 2359-0121 ext. 39300."

李莉莉 Li-Li Lee
國立東華大學 國際事務處永續發展組
Sustainable Development Division, Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University

TEL: +886-3-890-5120   
FAX: +886-3-890-0170
Email: sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw  
Website: https://oia.ndhu.edu.tw/

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):

附件1 (9).pdf

附件2 (7).pdf

附件3 (2).pdf

附件4 (1).pdf

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