分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 余承鴻 - a0955763581@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 校園流浪犬禁止餵食公告。
日期: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 13:29:33 +0800

三、如發現校園流浪犬, 上班時段請通報環境保護組(03-8906393),下班時段請通報駐警隊(03-8906402)前往處理。

Purpose: Announcement on the prohibition of feeding stray dogs on campus.
1. Recently, it has been found that stray dogs are fed on campus. In order to prevent stray dogs from entering the campus in search of food, causing dangerous accidents such as chasing and biting people,do not feed stray dogs.
2.According to the University's Guidelines for the Management of Campus Dogs, reminders are as follows:
1) If you bring your dog onto campus, according to the regulations,leashes, cages or other appropriate protective measures should be used as required.
2) Dogs are not allowed to roam on campus. If offended, dogs will be notified to authorities to be captured and properly disposed of.
3) Except for the office in charge and animal protection-related clubs on campus, it is prohibited to feed dogs on campus.
3. If you find a stray dog on campus, please report it to the Environmental Protection Section (03-8906393) during working hours and the campus police (03-8906402) during off-duty hours.
Environmental Protection Section, General Affairs Office

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