分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 邱健榮 - janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 本校管理學院全棟防鴿設施施作公告。Announcement of Pigeon-proofing Facilities for the Entire Building of the School of Management.
日期: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 13:40:47 +0800


                                                                 總務處環保組 敬啟

1. Construction period: From June 13th (Tuesday) to September 10th(Sunday), 2023 (including weekends and national holidays).
2. Construction site: The entire building of the School ofManagement.
3. For safety considerations, the construction area of scaffolding oraerial work vehicles on site is enclosed by triangular cones and yellowwarning lines. Non-construction personnel are prohibited fromentering. Please enter and exit through other channels. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

      The Environmental Protection Division of the General AffairsOffice

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