分類: 行政公告
來源: 教務處註冊組 - 莊珆芸組員 - registration@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906112-6116
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 教務處公告--112/5/22-6/9申請112-1轉系所注意事項Flow Chart for Department/Institute Transfer Applications in the Fall(1st) Semester of the Academic Year 2023(112-1)
日期: Mon, 8 May 2023 17:53:48 +0800
附檔: 112-1申請轉系流程圖.pdf (477 KB)   


教務處公告網址: https://aa.ndhu.edu.tw/p/406-1004-208146,r1064.php

All application forms will be reviewed online. After the initial department reviews the application form, the form will forward to the first-choice department/institute and college to review ( Transcript not required : May 22 nd, 2023, to July 3rd, 2023; Transcript required: June 27th to July 3rd, 2023). Once the first-choice department rejects the application, the form will deliver to the second-choice department/institute and college to review (July 4th to July 7th, 2023).
(一) 轉系申請作業均為線上申請及線上審核,請學生至東華大學首頁/行政單位/教務處/教務資訊系統/註冊/其他/「學生轉系所申請系統」( https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/AA/REG/TransferDep/student/login.aspx )中填妥擬申請轉系所資料,並上傳第一、二志願系所要求的備審資料PDF檔(一個檔案上限2M),即完成申請程序(無須列印紙本申請書);請學生務必主動與班級導師約談,另系統會同步以郵件通知班級導師與學生進行輔導約談。
Transfer applications will be reviewed online only. Application is open from May 22nd, 2023, to June 9th, 2023. Please submit the application form and upload documents (PDF file only with a maximum of 2M) to the Department Transfer System. Once submitted successfully, please make sure to consult with the applicant’s advisor by yourself, the system will email the applicant’s advisor to consult with the applicant.
The prospective department can check applicants’ transcripts from the Department Transfer System. Due to the Spring 2023 (111-2) teacher’s online login results will be ending by June 26th, 2023, it is expected that the Registry Division of the Office of Academic Affairs will announce this semester grades after June 27th, 2023.
(三)等第一、二志願系所線上審理完成後,教務處註冊組將下載核准轉系所名冊依行政程序陳判至校長同意後,預計於112/7/24前於教務處網頁/公告事項中公告(僅公告同意轉系名單,不同意部分將不會公告) 。
The Registry Division of the Office of Academic Affairs will announce the result before July 24th, 2023.
In principle, students can only apply for transfer applications once.
Please pay the tuition fees according to the downloaded payment slip. The Cashier Division will ask students to refund the excess and make up for the deficiency in the future.
Approved transfer applications students who have course selection issues should contact the Curriculum Division of the Office of Academic Affairs for inquiries.
(七)獲准轉系學生請自行決定補發新系所的悠遊學生證(一張220元) 。
Students who have been approved to transfer applications are required to apply for a new easycard for the new department at a cost of NT$220.


Registration Division of the Office of Academic Affairs (TEL:03-890-6112~6116)

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