分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處生活輔導組 - 林嘉瑩 - tea7101@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話038906226
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【Shuttle Services】Shuttle Services from Zhixue to NDHU station on 2023/3/30(Thu) and 4/6(Thu)
日期: Fri, 24 Mar 2023 09:26:23 +0800

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
      Due to the limited parking space of Zhixue Station, parking often brings inconvenience to passengers. In the afternoon of 3/30 、3/31(Thursday、friday) and 4/6 (Thursday), there will be a shuttle bus from Zhixue Railway Station to Shoufeng Campus. If possible, use a shuttle bus or public transportation.
Shuttle service information:
A. Shuttle Bus Online Application:
   1. Application time: 3/24 (Fri) 12:00 to 3/29 (Tue) 12:00
   2. Website: https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/Bus_Holiday/login.aspx
B. Boarding time and place:
   1. [Outbound——Donghua Shoufeng Campus to Zhixue Station]
     ・Time: March 30,2023(Thu) 14:40, 15:30, 16:10
           March 31, 2023(Fri) 14:40, 15:30, 16:10
     ・Venue: East Community House, West Community House
   2. [Immigration-Zhixue Station to Donghua Shoufeng Campus (East Community, West Community)]
     ・Time: 4/6 (Thursday) 14:25、15:25、16:10
     ・Location: Zhixue Station
C. Tips:
1. This shuttle bus is provided by the Shoufeng Township Office. The number of people per bus is limited to 15 people, at least 3 people (including 3 people) and 3 people on standby. If the number of people is less than 3 people, the bus will not depart.
2. Please abide by the rules and regulations of Zhixue Station, and avoid parking vehicles in non-designated areas to prevent being towed away. If possible, use a shuttle bus or public transportation.
 3. Students who take the shuttle bus, please remember to bring your Student Card, as no fee will be charged for the card sensor when boarding the bus.

                                                                               ~ Office of Student Affairs and Life Division ~

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