分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 吳星穎 - carmier@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906252
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生
標題: Friday Night ~ 異國風情 (Exotic Night)  
日期: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 16:24:14 +0800
附檔: S__19988675.jpg (334 KB)   S__19988677.jpg (316 KB)   

FridayNight放假的節奏,Take relax in the life,山面環繞、繁星點點,悠閒夜晚齊聚一堂,來一場特別異國風情文化交流,等你/妳一起來!!活動內容包括舞龍舞獅 , 舞蹈表演 ,口琴表演 (具街頭藝人證照) ,活動精彩歡迎報名參加共襄盛舉
1.凡報名跨域參加活動者可得摸彩卷一張 (摸彩禮: 環保杯提袋10份, 運動毛巾護手脕2入1組共10組,蒸氣眼罩2入1組共10組), 摸彩時現場唱名3次不在者視為棄權
2. 活動現場販售台灣小吃: 烤香腸, 甜甜圈和泡芙等
跨域系統號 : 16140 
連結: https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx

Starry night, with mountains around! Rub shoulders with everyone on a chill night. Welcome to join our event, Friday Night, and interact with an exotic culture. Hopes to see you there.The event includes dragon and lion dance performances, dance shows, and harmonica performances (with street performer licenses). It will be a wonderful event and we welcome you to sign up and join us for the fun.

1. Participants who register for Campus Activities Reservation System will receive one raffle ticket (Raffle gifts: 10 sets of eco-friendly cups and carrying bags, 10 sets of sports towels and wrist protectors, and 10 sets of steam eye masks, each with 2 pieces). During the raffle, names will be called three times, and those who are not present will be deemed to have forfeited their prizes.
2. Taiwanese snacks such as grilled sausages, donuts, and cream puffs will be available for sale at the event site.
System number: 16140
URL: https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActApply.aspx

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