分類: 活動公告
來源: 學務處課外活動組 - 余惠真 - nacy4631@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906232
對象: 全校學生_大一_大二_大三_大四以上_碩士生_博士生
標題: 111-2第三場《東華Friday Night》戶外表演活動-「異國風情」,距離開始倒數3天!就在3/24!The third "Friday Night" outdoor performance event with the theme of "Exotic Night" is only 3 days away! It will take place on 24, March.
日期: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 14:55:41 +0800
附檔: S__19988677.jpg (316 KB)   S__19988675.jpg (334 KB)   

📢第三場《東華Friday Night》「異國風情」即將開始啦!*^O^* 這次的活動將體現出國際生們多元的文化。迷人的舞蹈,嘹亮的歌聲,他們即將以活潑動人的姿態拉開序幕!本場活動與前幾場不同之處除了異國文化的交流,還有台灣的在地美食的販售喔!絕對別錯過了!就在3/24!


❊活動時間:3/24星期五晚上6:30~8:30 (18:00進場) 🫶
Hello everyone! 🔔
📢 The third "Friday Night" event with the theme of "Exotic Night" is about to begin! ^O^ This event will showcase the diverse cultures of international students. With captivating dances and melodious songs, they will kick off the event in a lively and fascinating manner! In addition to cultural exchanges, this event will also feature local Taiwanese cuisine for sale, which sets it apart from the previous events. Don't miss it! The countdown to the event has begun, with only 3 days left until 3/24!
🌟 On March 24th, an international student group will bring you the performance "Exotic Night".
We sincerely invite everyone to come and enjoy a delightful evening. ✨✨
❊ Event time: Friday, March 24th, 6:30 pm-8:30 pm (approach at 6:00 pm) 
❊ Event venue: Outdoor staircase plaza of Ji Xian Building (Rain venue: 2nd floor of Ji Xian Building) 
Student's Activities Division of the Office of Student Affairs cordially invites you~

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