分類: 活動公告
來源: 華語文中心 - 黃韻竹 - clcndhu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話5238
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生_兼任教師_退休教職員_教職員眷屬
標題: 【活動公告】111.12.27 黃梅經典大戲「遊龍戲鳳」
日期: Tue, 20 Dec 2022 17:28:14 +0800
附檔: 黃梅經典大戲『遊龍戲鳳』.jpg (253 KB)   

~ 黃梅經典大戲「遊龍戲鳳」~
‣ |時間 Time:111.12.27(二) 18:00~20:30
‣ |地點 Location:學生活動中心演講廳
‣ |演出 Actor:韻清樂舞劇團

Admission is open from 17:30 to 18:00. Please enter the venue on time to ensure the quality of the performance. You can select any seat you wish. Once the performance begins or once the seating is full, the audience cannot enter the venue. Thanks for understanding. 

Activities can be logged into the Campus Activities Reservation System, but the online registration is only used as a reminder and verification of the number of hours after participating in the activity, not a proof of admission!
跨域自主學習系統: https://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/XSL_ApplyRWD/ActAnnounce.aspx?ActID=14505

It is forbidden for audiences to record or live stream performances on public platforms to protect the copyright.

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During the event, please consider the following points:

1. 廳內禁止飲食,請勿攜帶食物進入場館。
It is forbidden to eat or drink in the hall, so please do not bring any food in with you.
2. 請務必全程配戴口罩,未配戴者恕無法入場;本中心不提供口罩,參與人員敬請自備口罩。
All participants must wear masks at all times; those without one will not be permitted entry. The center does not provide masks, so participants must bring their own.
3. 入場前須配合量測體溫及酒精消毒,若疑似身體不適或體溫過高者(超過37.5度)請勿參與。
We need to check your temperature and undergo alcohol disinfection before we let you in. Please refrain from participating if you are unwell or have a high temperature (over 37.5 degrees).

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