分類: 行政公告
來源: 圖書資訊處圖資服務組 - 詹依萍 - ipchan@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6813
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 【圖書館公告】111 暑假優惠借期 (於5月20日開始辦理) Summer vacation’s preferential loan period
日期: Wed, 18 May 2022 11:09:12 +0800

【圖書館公告】111 暑假優惠借期 (於5月20日開始辦理) Summer vacation’s preferential loan period

敬致 全體教職員生:

(一)優惠日:自111年5月20日(五)起借閱之圖書,應還日期:111年9月20日(二)或 應到期日。

         圖書資訊處 敬上
連絡電話:圖書館服務檯 (03)890-6838

Dear Faculty Members and Students:
We provide “summer vacation’s preferential loan period” program to encourage you to make the best use of library resources!
1. Preferential loan period.
A. Offering date: For the books borrowed from May 20th, 2022 (Fri), the due date shall be Sep. 20nd, 2022(Wed).
B. Clients: All faculty members, staffs, and students of NDHU.
C. Available resources: Eastern and Western language books, and interlibrary cards
D. Please notice: 
i. Original due date remains unchanged for the materials borrowed before 
May 20th, 2022 (Fri). Please return books on time or renew them to avoid overdue fines. 
ii. Except the available resources mentioned above, others ( like audio-visual materials, children's books, elementary school textbooks, overnight reference books, etc.) are not included in this preferential loan period. 
Their original loan period and due dates remain unchanged.
So, please return them on time to avoid overdue fines. 
iii. Reservation service is still available. If you are unable to check out the book on time, please cancel it on-line before the system notice you.
iv. Before going to your hometown or abroad, please check the due dates and your reservation status on-line in order to avoid overdue fines.

Office of Library and Information Services
National Dong Hwa University

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