分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 吳星穎  - carmier@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906252
對象: 全校教職員_全校教師_全校職員_全校學生_單一窗口_系所助理_兼任教師
標題: 「收到細胞簡訊通知」者請盡速至靜思堂道侶廣場前(花蓮縣消防局對面)免費篩檢 Those who received the cell broadcast, please go to Tzu Chi Hualien Jing Si Hall (Opposite Hualien County Fire Department) to do a free rapid test.
日期: Wed, 27 Apr 2022 07:08:52 +0800
附檔: 快篩站.jpg (111 KB)   

時間:4/25(一)-5/1(日) 11:30-18:30

Time: From April 25 to May 1 11:30~18:00
Place: Tzu Chi Hualien Jing Si Hall (Opposite Hualien County Fire Department)
Consider that the audience who having doubts about infection of children, there is a pediatrician in rapid test station and you can take your children to do a rapid test together. In this period of time, those who received the cell broadcast can take your Health Insurance card to Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital to do a free rapid test.  
Foreign students who don’t have Health Insurance card can take your Resident certificate. It’s free, and you can see your results on My Health Bank.
Remind to wear a medical mask and do not take public transportation. If you have any questions, please call 1922 or Epidemic Prevention Line from Public Health Bureau, Hualien County 03-8226975 for help.

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