分類: 其他公告
來源: 心理諮商輔導中心 - 陳奕錚 - yjchen92@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話(03)890-6894
對象: 全校學生
標題: 心理諮商輔導中心4/18~4/23活動因應疫情調整辦理公告 (The notification of activities held by the Psychological Counseling Center during 4/18~4/23)
日期: Fri, 15 Apr 2022 14:33:04 +0800


Due to the pandemic situation, the school has decided to extend the online courses and postpone all the in-person activities. For the safety and healthy of our students, the Psychological Counseling Center has canceled most of the events and turned the rest of them into online classes. Please check your e-mail box if you had sighed up for our activities, our contact person will inform you any further information, thank you.

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