分類: 行政公告, 其他公告
來源: 學務處 - 黃勇程 - victor0903@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906216
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【住宿安全】提醒同學至校外租屋相關應注意事項 【Safety Reminder】Attention to matters related to outside school rentals
日期: Wed, 9 Mar 2022 11:04:11 +0800
附檔: 附件1-111.03.07校外找屋看屋與租屋注意事項.pdf (3 MB)   附件2-居住安全宣導EDM繁版(教育部).pdf (706 KB)   

一、	外出看屋前,可先參考附件資料或至本校租屋網-下載專區瞭解「校外找屋看屋與租屋注意事項」(如附檔附件1),網址:http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/renthouse/Download.aspx。
二、	為確保安全,盡可能邀朋友、同學陪同一起前往,並請參考教育部租屋安全EDM(如附檔附件2)檢核租屋之安全性;或優先選擇本校「校外租屋網」所提供之租屋資訊(按教育部租屋安全檢核項目檢核合格),網址:http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/renthouse/Index.aspx)。
三、	經瞭解今年度校外房東提供之出租房間數量大於賃居同學的數量;特別提醒同學「貨比三家不吃虧」,勿因他人影響而急於下決定(付定金、簽約),定金付出去後是很難收回的。

                   學務處生活輔導組 關心您!

Hello, everyone:

It’s the season of looking for a new house to live. For your safety and the right of those who living-off campus, there are some announcements that we would like to remind you.
1.	Please read the information from the school’s renting website before you go to the house visiting. 
School’s renting website link: http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/renthouse/Download.aspx
2.	In order to ensure your safety, please bring your friends or classmates to accompany with you when you go to the house visiting. And please read seven key points of the housing safety document from the Ministry of Education to check the safety of housing; or choosing the renting houses which applied on school’s renting website first. 
Website link: http://sys.ndhu.edu.tw/SA/renthouse/Index.aspx
3.	According to the survey, we know that the number of rented rooms provided by off-campus landlords this year is greater than the number of students who want to rent the house outside of the campus. Therefore, please compare the different prices and think twice. 
Hope you can find a suitable and satisfactory place. 

Division of Student Living Services

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