分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處 - 王玉君 - hu.jean0503@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906220
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【安全宣導】2022跨年迎曙光,切勿疲勞駕駛,確保行車平安!【Safety Reminder】 Pay attention to road safety during New Year 2022.
日期: Thu, 30 Dec 2021 17:31:06 +0800

1.	注意行車安全。
2.	切勿無照駕駛、酒後駕車或疲勞駕駛。
3.	深夜避免外出,外出時請減速慢行,並穿著具有反光效果的外套。
4.	開車或騎乘機車謹遵各項道路安全規定。
Dear All,
New year is coming, we believe students already have plans or activities made. 
During the holidays, there would be an increase of off campus events, the chances of 
using transportation will also increase, which will increase risks that comes with 
using it. We’d kindly remind you of the following:
1.Stay alert while driving on road.
2. Do not drive without a license, drive under the influence of alcohol or drive with 
3.Avoid late night outings. Always drive within the speed limits.Wear a safety vest / 
high visibility clothing if you have to drive during the night.
4.Follow traffic rules while operating any vehicle. 

Student Living Services Division
Office of Student Affairs

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