分類: 其他公告
來源: 國際事務處永續發展組 - 永續發展組-李莉莉 (Li-Li Lee) - sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8905120
對象: 全校教師_客座教授、專案教師
標題: 【懇請協助】關於Times Higher Education’s annual Global Academic Reputation Survey
日期: Tue, 16 Nov 2021 15:23:20 +0800
附檔: Soon open_ THE Academic Reputation Survey.pdf (165 KB)   


英國泰晤士世界排名公司(Times Higher Education, THE)年度全球學術聲譽調查即將展開,煩請老師留意電子郵件信箱與垃圾郵件,是否有來自profilerankings@timeshighereducationemail.com 的來信。如有,懇請您撥冗填寫問卷,並於題項容許可填覆任職學校之欄位,適時填入東華。謝謝。

Dear all,

Times Higher Education’s annual Global Academic Reputation Survey will be out very soon. If you receive an email sent out by THE ( profilerankings@timeshighereducationemail.com ) , please spend 10 minutes lending it your expert opinion.  We appreciate your efforts. If it is OK to you, please put the NDHU into the answers in the suitable items.

Have a nice day.

李莉莉 Li-Li Lee
國立東華大學 國際事務處永續發展組
Sustainable Development Division, Office of International Affairs, National Dong Hwa University

TEL: +886-3-890-5120   
FAX: +886-3-890-0170
Email: sd@gms.ndhu.edu.tw  
Website: https://oia.ndhu.edu.tw/

jpg、png、gif、pdf 附檔縮圖(pdf 只顯示第一頁):

Soon open_ THE Academic Reputation Survey.pdf

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