分類: 行政公告
來源: 總務處環境保護組 - 邱健榮 - janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話03-8906393
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: 請勿餵食校園犬隻。Do Not feed dogs or leave food stuff to feed animals on campusContent:
日期: Tue, 19 Oct 2021 11:29:49 +0800

一、 近來環保組接獲反映校園有疑似餵養無主流浪犬情形,因流浪犬經餵食後認定該區域為覓食點,進而常駐於本校區,衍生衛生及環境問題,並恐危及人身安全,故本校除承辦單位或學校社團成員外,其餘人員禁止擅自餵食校園內犬隻(含校犬)。

總務處-環境保護組 敬啟

1. The practice of feeding stray dogs or leaving food stuff outdoors creates attraction of undesirable wild and feral species, which in turn creates the health and safety risk. Except Environmental Protection Division or student club of NDHU, university faculty, staff, students and visitors are prohibited from leaving unattended food or water on campus grounds to feed dogs or any animals.
2. When you find a stray dog or campus dog without green collarwandering around at your neighborhood on campus, report the finding to the office of Environmental Protection Division with information including photos, place, fur colors, shapes or gender.
Please contact Mr. Chiu by phone call 03-8906393 or email to janus@gms.ndhu.edu.tw.

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