分類: 活動公告
來源: 心理諮商輔導中心  - 李玟蒨 - scholarwang@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6263
對象: 全校學生
標題: Self-care and Mental Wellbeing (leaded by Lily Altamirano, English speaking))
日期: Thu, 7 Oct 2021 07:55:17 +0800


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活動名稱Self-care and Mental Wellbeing (leaded by Lily Altamirano, English speaking))
活動地點2F, Group Room, Counseling Center, West Community House
報名日期時間2021/10/07 08:00(四) ~ 2021/10/15 18:00(五)
活動日期時間2021/10/19 18:30(二) ~ 2021/10/19 20:30(二)
活動說明Self-care and Mental Wellbeing An individual who is holistically healthy will take part in productive activities, has and promotes healthy relationships with others, and has the ability to adapt to changes and cope with challenges and adversities (CBSE, 2021). This “Self-care and Mental Wellbeing Workshop” is specially designed for students who wish to learn about different self-care domains and techniques used to promote wellbeing and manage stress that might be due to the nature of school, work or other factors. In this workshop participants will learn about mental-health; what it means and how we can take care of it. It is comprised of five different sessions in the following order: 1. Stigma and mental health awareness, 2. Mental wellbeing, 3. Stress management and relaxation, 4. Mindfulness, and 5. Self-care. Our goal is to create awareness about mental health in students, address its importance, and elucidate innovative ways and practices to promote mental health and wellbeing.
備註The leader graduated from NDHU with a Master of Science in Counseling and Clinical Psychology. However, with a growing foreign population in Taiwan she continues her studies and training in counseling psychology to eventually be able to offer counseling services. She is interested in humanistic, psychodynamic and holistic therapies, for which she also takes cultural and spiritual concerns into account. When you register this workshop, please notice and don't miss.


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