分類: 工讀與獎學金
來源: 研發處 - 洪乃慈 - naitzu@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6523
對象: 大四以上
標題: 【轉知】2021 國際數位人才就業媒合會 DIGI+ x TCA International Digital Talent Matching
日期: Wed, 18 Aug 2021 15:18:01 +0800

【2021 SEMI人才培育系列活動-DIGI+ x TCA 2021國際數位人才就業媒合會】

🔹活動時間:2021年09月17日 (五) 13:00~16:00







想要參與一對一面談嗎?只要 3 步驟,就能與優質企業進行面談咯!

📌首先,請到 Accupass 網頁報名一對一面談場次:https://www.accupass.com/go/talentmatching


📌最後,敬請等待主辦單位發面試邀請到信箱 📩






+886.3.560.1777 Ext 303




【2021 SEMI Workforce Program-DIGI+ x TCA International Digital Talent Matching

🔹Date & Time: Sep 17 (Fri) 13:00~16:00

🔹Venue: Online event, with allocated timeslot for selected interviewee

🔹Event Page: https://www.accupass.com/go/talentmatching

🔹Participating Companies & Jobs Available

TCA: https://www.talentcirculationalliance.org/jobs

DIGI+: https://www.digitalent.org.tw/talent_exhibition


Complete the following steps to participate in one-on-one interview:

📌Step 1: Complete Accupass Registration Form (https://www.accupass.com/go/talentmatching) and remember to choose one-on-one interview package.

📌Step 2: Upload your resume to our Google Form (https://reurl.cc/a9y9GX) before August 31.

📌Step 3: Selected participants will receive email notification to confirm your interview time.

Note: Due to time limitation, this one-on-one interview matching is by invitation. You will be notified if you are selected for one-on-one interview. If you did not get selected, don't worry, your resume will still be passed to our list of companies for consideration!


For any enquiries, please contact our spokesperson:

Ms. Wu

SEMI Taiwan

+886.3.560.1777 Ext 303


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