分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處衛生保健組 - 王惠貞 - labi@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8906253
對象: 全校教職員_全校學生
標題: Ministry of Education epidemic prevention notice: Schools are requested to cooperate with restrictions on assembly activities, business areas, mass transportations and other related restrictions.
日期: Wed, 12 May 2021 09:14:03 +0800

According to the press release written by the Central Epidemic Command Center on May 11, 2021, in response to the increased risk of community transmission, from this day forwards, until June 8, 2021(Total of 4 weeks) the Covid-19 alert threat has been increased to level 2【Local cases with unknown source of infection】. Schools are requested to cooperate with the implementation of restrictions on teachers and students, assembly activities, business areas, mass transport and other related restrictions as follows: 
1. School staff and students are requested to avoid being in crowded places and places with high risks of infection and transmission. Masks are required in places as mentioned above, violators will be punished.
2. Schools must implement measures to ensure that participants always maintain social distancing or wear masks/use face shields and implement measures such as gathering basic data of the participants, temperature measurement, disinfection, pedestrian flow, maximum number of people, and circulation planning. Otherwise, it should be postponed.
3. In principle, Outdoor activities with 500 or more people or indoor activities with 100 or more people (e.g., graduation ceremony, etc.) will be canceled, but if the above-mentioned assembly activities can arrange Plum-blossom seating arrangement, gathering the basic data of the participants, wearing masks throughout the gathering, no food or drink, the epidemic prevention plan must be reported to the local authorities for approval before implementation(Hualien County Health Bureau, Ms. Lin 03-8227141 Ext. 374).
4. All public areas of schools shall maintain proper social distancing or wear masks / use partitions while inside the area and implement measures such as gathering basic data of the participants, temperature measurement, disinfection, pedestrian flow, maximum number of people, and circulation planning. 
5. Schools should supervise campus restaurants to implement regular cleaning / disinfection of the general area, employees must always wear masks, washing their hands frequently, and assist with measuring temperature, hand disinfection, utensils, and other personal protective measures; while dining, please maintain social distancing or use Partitions.
If it is not possible to do so, it is suggested that you take-out. 
6. The school must remind staff and students that you are not allowed to drink nor eat while taking the railways (Taiwan Railway, high-speed rail), buses, or any other type of mass transportation.
7. Classes with more than 100 students must be adjusted and implement anti-epidemic measures such as dividing the class into smaller classes or changing it to remote learning/ online learning. Classrooms with poor ventilation and Indoor areas with high risk of infections and transmission must be improved.
8. If you have any question, please contact the following:
( I ) Department of Higher education : 
Ms. Qiu
( II ) Department of Technological and Vocational Education : 
Miss Wang

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