分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 林冠妤 - 410654002@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8903277
對象: 全校學生
標題: 《Poker Night 撲克之夜》
日期: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 08:20:36 +0800

Poker card is a common playing card. People in each area have unique way of playing. 
Want to know poker card playing rules in different region? 
Want to make new friends while playing cards? Don't miss this event!
During the event, we are going to split into two sessions. 
First session|We will share how we play poker card games by setting up five stations for you.
Second session|Participants will share how they play poker cards in their respective countries.
Date: 25th April 2021 (Sun) 
Time: 18.00 - 20.00 (Sign-in starts at 17:50)
Venue: C102, Environmental Exposition Center

 1. This event will be conducted in English. 
 2. No alcohol, no gambling allowed.
 3. Snacks and drinks will be provided, so please bring your own container.
 4. If you like to share and teach us how you play poker card game back in your home country, please tell us in the registration form. Thank you!

Come try your luck 🍀and win a prize 🎁 home! We will supply 
the snacks 🍭, drinks ☕and poker card 🃏. 
You bring the fun and luck to join us! 
Sign up👉https://forms.gle/QWt6wmsU9P1YTdC88

時間:18.00  -  20.00
地點:東華大學 環境解説中心 C102

 1. 此活動將以英文進行
 2. 禁止飲酒、賭博
 3. 屆時會提供點心、飲料,請大家攜帶環保餐盒餐具
 4. 若您想分享並教導我們如何在您的國家玩撲克牌遊戲,

來試試您的運氣🍀並贏得獎品🎁回家! 我們將提供零食

主辦單位:A World Project

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