分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 夏懿心 - heart630@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8903277
對象: 全校學生
標題: Exotic Lunch 3.0 異國美食聚一聚 3.0
日期: Thu, 8 Apr 2021 11:55:06 +0800
附檔: exotic.png (3 MB)   

Exotic Lunch 3.0 is back with high demand from our supporters! With our event, you get to experience variety of delicacies from different countries, making new friends with different background. We look forward to meeting you and try your dish! Come and join us!
最受大家歡迎的【異國美食聚一聚 3.0 】回來了!在我們的活動,您可以嘗試不同國家的美食,也能認識不同背景的新朋友。我們很期待認識您,試吃您準備的美食哦!來吧!加入我們!
Time 時間|11th April 2021 (Sunday) 12PM - 2PM
Location 地點|Environmental Building 環境學院 A128
Notice 貼心小叮嚀|
1. Limited seats only 名額有限要來的快報名
2. Prepare a dish from your country (buy or make it yourself will do) 準備一道來自你國家的菜餚 (購買或自己烹飪也可以)
3. Bring your own container & utensils! 記得帶上環保餐盒以及餐具! 

👇👇Register NOW 速速報名👇👇
Register 報名表單|https://forms.gle/EDUfoPec9B4PQnbD7

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