分類: 活動公告
來源: 環境學院 - 夏懿心 - heart630@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話8903277
對象: 全校學生
標題: 《Who is The Movie Master? 誰是電影達人?》
日期: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 10:44:19 +0800
附檔: FB_IMG_1615918642890.jpg (122 KB)   

Although a movie can tell you a story, yet a group of people sitting together and sharing each others' perspectives can give you more than beyond a movie itself. We welcome you to join us on 28th March 2021 "WHO IS THE MOVIE MASTER?"!

🎞️During the event, we are going to play Bingo and chat about movies. This will be the best time to meet new friends, talk about your favourite movies and also cultural exchange.📽️🎫 
See you on 3/28 afternoon!😁🤩

Date | 2021.03.28
Time | 02:00p.m.~04:00 p.m.
Venue | A128, Environmental Building
Organizer | A World Project team https://reurl.cc/kVoG2x
Remark | Pastries will be provided, so please bring your own container. This event will be conducted in English.

Sign up👉https://reurl.cc/E2QOem

🎬🍿一部電影能夠告訴你一個故事,但當大家互相討論與分享自己的觀點時,你能得到的遠遠超過一部電影能帶給你的啟發。我們邀請你一起參與3/28的活動 "WHO IS THE MOVIE MASTER?" 

🎞️活動過程中,我們將通過 Bingo 遊戲來討論不同類型的電影。除了認識新朋友與談論電影內容,這也是作為文化交流的絕佳機會!📽️🎫 
期待在3/28 的活動現場看見你!😁🤩

日期 | 2021.03.28
時間 | 02:00p.m.~04:00 p.m.
地點 | A128, 環境學院
主辦單位 | A World Project 團隊 https://reurl.cc/kVoG2x
小提醒 |1.)屆時會提供點心,請大家攜帶環保餐盒餐具


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