分類: 行政公告
來源: 學務處 - 陳芳甫 - a779563@gms.ndhu.edu.tw - 電話6224
對象: 全校學生
標題: 【學生宿舍開放參觀】【Open House Activity】
日期: Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:12:11 +0800
附檔: QR(中文).JPG (26 KB)   QR(英文).JPG (23 KB)   學生宿舍資訊網.JPG (23 KB)   

    (一)擷雲莊   單人雅房(開放男、女生)
    (二) 仰山莊   四人套房(開放女生)
    (三) 涵星一莊 四人套房(開放女生)
    (四) 涵星二莊 四人套房(開放男生)
    (五) 向晴莊   四人套房(開放男生)
    (六) 行雲莊 雙人套房(開放男、女生)
    (一)110年3月15日(星期一)1320時 (開放外籍生報名)
    (五)110年3月19日(星期五)0820時 (開放外籍生報名)


Open House Activity
Dear students,
It’s the season of changing and applying for dormitories again! In order for the students to learn more about the different dormitories, there will be a scheduled dormitory visitation before the application period. Please follow the instructions below and apply online.
(1) Who: Students who are willing to live in the dorms 
(2) Activity content: Guided by a dedicated person, led by the dormitory manager, introducing the dormitory, providing a tour of the facilities, Q&A, etc.
(3) Available Spaces:
    1. Dorm I- single room(Open for Male and Female)
    2. Dorm II-Quadruple Suite (Open for Female)
    3. Dorm III(A)-Quadruple Suite (Open for Female)
    4. Dorm III(B)-Quadruple Suite(Open for Male)
    5. Dorm IV -Quadruple Suite(Open for Male)
    6. Dorm V - Double Suite(Open for Male and Female)
(4) Time:
    1. Mar 15, 2021(Monday) 1320 (application for international students)
    2. Mar 16, 2021 (Tuesday) 1320
    3. Mar 17, 2021 (Wednesday) 1320
    4. Mar 18, 2021 (Thursday) 1320
5. Mar 19, 2021 (Friday) 0820(application for international students)
(5)Registration URL: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdX_Y-7WVedGqb9asDUz3hKd8SiOjTE984H1_GUQUd5k8GHg/viewform
 (6) Location:
    1. Dorm I : the main entrance of Dorm I (Close to the inner peripheral road)
    2. Dorm II:the rear gate of Dorm II (Close to the parking lot)
    3. Dorm III(A):the main gate of Dorm III A (Close to the inner peripheral road)
    4. Dorm III(B):the main gate of Dorm III B ( Close to the outer peripheral road)
    5. Dorm IV : the main gate of Dorm IV II (Close to the inner peripheral road)
    6. Dorm V : the rear gate of Dorm V (Close to the outer peripheral road)
 (7) Notes:
   1. Please wear a mask and bring your student ID when visiting.
   2. The staff will call and guide them into the dormitory to visit.
   3. To protect the rights and interests of resident students, please lower the volume and 
       keep the dormitory clean during the visit (no food is allowed).
  4. Visitors, please follow the dormitory manager. The manager can suspend those who 
    leave the group or do not obey instruction.
  5. Dormitory Application Period:
  1) Undergraduate students (female): 2021/3/23(Tue) 12:30 ~ 3/24(Wed) 12:00
  2) Undergraduate students (male): 2021/3/25(Thu) 12:30 ~ 3/26(Fri) 12:00 
  3) Graduate students (male/female): 2021/3/29(Mon) 12:30 ~ 3/30 (Tue)12:00

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